Welcome to our conference media page. Here, you will find press releases for the TWIB Next Level Conference.

For more information, contact Sabine McCalla
at 512-571-7251 or sabine.mccalla@bhhstxrealty.com


May 2, 2018

A local conference to strengthen local networks

TWIB Next Level Conference connects Austin business women

The Next Level Conference by the Texas Women in Business will welcome its participants on May 18. The conference is all about interaction, networking, connecting with each other, learning from each other – and learning from the best. What can conferences attendees expect? An interview with business owner, TWIB educational director and conference organizer Christiane Michaelis.

There are many conferences and networking events out there – what distinguishes “TWIB Next Level: An interactive conference for women pushing the limits” from the others?
This is a great question because this is what we asked each other when we started planning this event. This conference is very unique in three ways:

1. It is a local conference strengthening your local network. We want to learn from female leaders who have shaped the Austin community. We don’t want speakers who fly in, give their presentation, and leave. One of the goals for this conference is to make meaningful connections and that includes attendees and vendors, as well as speakers.

2. We take the interactive part of this conference very serious and facilitate networking opportunities throughout the conference. Every presentation provides interactive elements in which participants exchange thoughts and ideas on the topic that is presented. And on the mobile app we have various contests that reward attendees in a networking scavenger hunt.

3. We believe that the most efficient networks are those that include a diverse and broad range of speakers. The TWIB Next Level conference brings women of all ages, races, and working backgrounds together. Small business owners, entrepreneurs, and women from the corporate world will find presentations that are relevant for their professional growth. And they will have the possibility to connect with women who usually are not their social peers.

If you were a conference participant, which session would you not want to miss?
We believe we put together a broad kaleidoscope of themes and topics, and we are very proud of the excellent and well sought after speakers that are part of this conference. The needs of our attendees are different and based on those, they will decide whether it is more important to learn how to become better at negotiation, how to improve time management skills, or how the tax reform affects their small business. By offering four different tracks we want to make sure every participant finds a valuable and relevant session throughout the day. And I am sure that the menu we are offering will make it often hard to decide which session to join. I would recommend to everyone not to miss our panel discussion to learn how these women were able to push their limits and break through obstacles.

How have the Texas Women in Business influenced your business?
As a solo entrepreneur, running your business can sometimes be a bit lonely. TWIB has been a great source to talk to other small business owners about the challenges they are facing and options on how to overcome them. It’s an opportunity to learn from each other's experiences, have soundboards, finding and give support, and to give back to the community. That’s what makes being part of Texas Women in Business such a valuable experience.  

About TWIB Next Level:
TWIB Next Level: An interactive conference for women pushing the limits
May 18, 2017. 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.  (followed by Happy Hour)
AT&T Conference Center in Austin

About TWIB:
Texas Women in Business is a membership-driven non-profit organization that is focused on empowering women to achieve their personal and professional goals through education, development, mentoring, networking, service, and leadership. They give their members opportunities to connect with people and other organizations so that they can reach their goals.
Every other year, the Texas Women in Business unites local business women and leaders at the TWIB conference.

Sabine McCalla


April 3, 2018
Negotiation, leadership, law Business women teach and learn at TWIB Next level conference
How do I lead a team of 50 people? How do I negotiate effectively? Which implications does the new tax law have for me? What kind of insurance do I need if I start my own business? Which legal aspects do I have to consider? These and many more questions will be answered at the TWIB Next Level conference on May 18 at the AT&T Conference Center in Austin.

Corporate leaders, local entrepreneurs and self-made business women will share their experiences and will give helpful advice to the participants.

Lauren Hasson, founder of DevelopHer, will teach how to “Become a NegotiatHer” and to learning the secrets to making more money in their career. “As women, salary negotiation is an essential skill, but negotiating isn’t always so easy”, Hasson explains. “Imposter syndrome, fear, and unconscious bias are real adversaries that can get in your way to a successful negotiation and earning what you deserve. The good news is that negotiation is a skill that can be learned.” Hasson tripled her base salary in less than two years by grounding herself in data and asking critical questions to uncover key leverage points and ultimately learned to negotiate with confidence.

Megan Lueders, Chief Marketing Officer at Zenoss, will encourage participants to “Be that Woman in Leadership”. Whether they are a recent grad, budding millennial or a working mother – all can relate to the desire to succeed in their professional careers, personal lives and remain a good work-life balance, says Lueders. From acing the interview and navigating the board room, to giving (and receiving) feedback to serving in the community – one of Austin’s most respected business leaders will talk about her journey and will explain, how other business women can incorporate these shared insights into their future career and life endeavors.

“How to build your biz as a Non-Nine-to-Fiver”, will be explained by entrepreneur and coach Jen Schultz. Schultz will speak about her own experience escaping the “9-to-5” and give advice to the audience on how to follow her footsteps. And management with confidence will be the topic of professional coaches Laura DiTamasso and Teresa Bitner.    

Commercial lender Sue Frye will help participants face the challenge of financing their business. Valkyrie Lang, NYLIFE Securities LLC., will explain why why insurance planning is critical for a business and Senior Corporate and Transactional Attorney Kathryn L. Turpin will talk about legal ramifications for businesses and business owners.

In the social media track, participants can for example attend sessions about marketing with linkedIn, YouTube and videos or social media marketing in general. In addition to those and other topics there will be a panel discussion with local female leaders like Olympic medalist and athlete Sandra Farmer- Patrick, Kendall Antonelli of Antonelli Cheese and Austin Angels founder Susan Ramirez. And participants are invited to enjoy a fashion show that presents trends in business attire.
Tickets are available online www.texaswomeninbusiness.org/enrollment. Early bird registration ends March 31.

About TWIB Next Level:
TWIB Next Level: An interactive conference for women pushing the limits May 18, 2017. 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. (followed by Happy Hour) AT&T Conference Center in Austin

About TWIB:
Texas Women in Business is a membership-driven non-profit organization that is focused on empowering women to achieve their personal and professional goals through education, development, mentoring, networking, service, and leadership. They give their members opportunities to connect with people and other organizations so that they can reach their goals.
Every other year, the Texas Women in Business unites local business women and leaders at the TWIB conference.

Sabine McCalla 512.571.7251 sabine.mccalla@bhhstxrealty.com




 March 19, 2018

“Don’t be afraid to ask!”

Austin Angels founder Susan Ramirez will speak to participants of TWIB Next Level Conference

Susan Ramirez gave up a successful career in the corporate world to follow her heart and concentrate entirely on supporting children. That was in 2015. In 2010 she had founded the non-profit organization Austin Angels aiming to improve the life of every child in the foster care system. After working long hours day and night, she decided to give her full attention to her passion, the children – and she does not regret it. Today, her organization is supporting 200 children and 56 foster families. And it is growing.

Ramirez will talk about her success and what has led her to where she is now at this year’s Texas Women in Business conference “TWIB Next Level: An interactive conference for women pushing the limits”. The conference will take place on May 18 at the AT&T Conference Center in Austin.

During the one-day conference women from all kinds of businesses can learn from local leaders in an interactive setting and mix of workshops, speeches, discussions, coaching and breakout-sessions. The four major themes are how to reach the “Next Level”, “Social Media”, “Optimizing Your Growth” and “L.I.F.E.” which stands for legal, insurance, and finance education.

“I have been with TWIB for three years now”, Ramirez explains. “I love what it stands for. I love that it brings women together and encourages them to do their best. I hope that the conference participants will see an average woman in me who has decided to live an ordinary life. And that they will think ‘if she can do it, I can do it!’”

Ramirez said, she started Austin Angels because she wanted to make a difference and she wanted to create an organization where people could make a difference.

“I really feel called by god to do this work. Not everybody is called to foster and adopt. But there are lots of people out there who want to help and just don’t know where to start.” With the support of Austin Angels these people can play a role in a child’s life, Ramirez explains.

“Not every child is as fortunate. But they all should have a chance to grow up to what god has planned for them. On average, children will move seven times while they are in foster care. Our purpose and goal is to keep children in one place for longer. We are trying to have children experience care differently and we help them to successfully age out of care with a concrete plan and pathway to go to college or trade school – a plan of success and a pathway so they can achieve what they were meant to achieve.”

According to Ramirez, 55 percent of the children who grow up in the foster care system will not graduate high school. Austin Angels has a 100 percent high school graduation rate. The organization currently has six full time employees and five interns. In addition to that, 400 active and engaged volunteers support the foster families and caretakers, offer mentorship and support relationship building

“It wasn’t until I quit my corporate job that Austin Angels really took off”, Ramirez remembers. “Nothing in my college education translated into successfully running a non-profit. But I could use the sales tactics I learned working for a major home builder when asking for support for our non-profit. And asking for help on behalf of children is a real honor!”

What she learned is that you have to ask. “Don’t be afraid to ask! Yes, we hear a lot of “no”s. I heard a lot of “no”s during my career, but I don’t let that scare me away. I’m not afraid to hear a no. I press forward every day. I’m not afraid to go out and fight on behalf of these children.”

“A lot of us won’t move forward on our calling because we are afraid. I was afraid when I walked away from my corporate job. But if I would have stayed in my comfort zone this wouldn’t be happening. If you have that burning desire in your heart or your belly, you have to answer that calling. More people have more regrets of what they should have done instead of what they did.”


About TWIB Next Level:

TWIB Next Level: An interactive conference for women pushing the limits

May 18, 2017. 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.  (followed by Happy Hour)

AT&T Conference Center in Austin

Ticket prices start at $95 for members and $125 for non-members (early registration until March 31).



 February 19, 2018

“Build professional relationships that matter”

Texas Women in Business gear up to help women succeed

Research has shown that far less women than men are successfully connected in networks. Although they are great socializers, many women are still struggling building successful business networks. The Texas Women in Business want to tackle this at their “Next Level Conference” in May.  


“TWIB Next Level: An interactive conference for women pushing the limits” will be held May 18 at the AT&T Conference Center in Austin.

“Interactive” is the key word. “The goal of the conference is not to have a coffee together and exchange business cards”, explains conference organizer Christiane Michaelis, owner of The Dirty Easel, a business, which teaches team building through creativity. “We want women to interact – and the conference will offer this through communication at several levels: workshops, breakout sessions, competitions, coaching and exchange throughout the day.”

The goal of the “Next level conference” is to provide women of all ages with applicable skills to grow personally and professionally, to build relationships that matter and to get to the next level in their career. Through four tracks of breakout sessions, panel discussions, inspirational speakers, and facilitated networking, the conference will provide opportunities to learn from local female leaders who have shaped Austin’s corporate, entrepreneurial, and non-profit world. Invited to the conference are women of all ages and all types of businesses – corporate, small business, entrepreneur, freelancers.

Among the speakers is Austin Angels CEO Susan Ramirez. The philanthropist has dedicated her career to improving the lives of foster children and has received several awards and recognitions for her work. Building a brighter future for children has also been the purpose of Jamie Amelio’s work. She founded “Caring for Cambodia“, a successful charitable organization aiming to change lives through education.

Amelio and Ramirez will be joined by Meghan Lueders, VP Marketing at Zenoss, one of Austin’s leading Tech companies. Lueders will talk about “Women in Leadership Today”. Another leader in the tech industry is Lauren Hasson. The Austinite and software engineer founded DevelopHer, a career development platform for tech women by tech women. She was one of 100 top innovators invited to attend the UK G8 Innovation and Decide Now Act Summits with the United Nations.

Also on board at the Next Level Conference will be Jessica Campos, author and co-founder of Marketing for Greatness, Inc.. The Puerto Rican native has made Austin the home for her family.

Michaelis gives a conference outlook: “Local participants will meet local leaders. We are not flying speakers in who are off to the next engagement right after their speech. Our participants and speakers cannot only interact at the conference, but can also have an exchange afterwards. We can’t change the ladder, but we can help build the rungs that allow women to climb to the next level.”


About TWIB Next Level:

TWIB Next Level: An interactive conference for women pushing the limits

May 18, 2017. 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.  (followed by Happy Hour)

AT&T Conference Center in Austin

Ticket prices start at $95 for members and $125 for non-members (early registration until March 31).
