Here you will find what topics are being covered by our speakers, and be able to decide which sessions you want to attend during the conference.
Jamie Amelio
Opening Keynote Speaker
9:00 am
Jamie Amelio will be speaking about women reaching the next level in their professional lives despite the massive obstacles often placed in their way. She is the mother of six and a grandmother, author of two books and the founder and CEO of Caring for Cambodia (CFC), and NGO that builds and operates schools in Siem Reap, Cambodia. In 15 years CFC has gone from a ramshackle one-room schoolhouse to 21 new schools with over 300 trained teachers and 6,600 students educated annually. Along the way Jamie overcame a near-death experience, a deception among those she trusted most in Cambodia, and the everyday challenges of full time work and family.
Teen addiction and depression affected two of her children head on. Her motto of Staying Bothered and doing something about it rings through in every aspect of her life. She is known for her motivation and inspirational speeches at events around the world, like Festival of Thinkers, Microsoft, a TED Talk, and many more. Her goal is always to inspire others to do good. She and her husband settled in Austin after ten years in Asia.
Lauren Hasson
Next Level Speaker
10:00 am
Become a NegotiatHer: Learn the Secrets to Make More $ in Your Career
As women, salary negotiation is an essential skill, but negotiating isn’t always so easy. Imposter syndrome, fear, and unconscious bias are real adversaries that can get in your way to a successful negotiation and earning what you deserve. The good news is that negotiation is a skill that can be learned. Come learn how Founder of DevelopHer, Lauren Hasson, tripled her base salary in less than two years by grounding herself in data and asking critical questions to uncover key leverage points and ultimately learned to negotiate with confidence.
Elizabeth Dossman
Optimizing Your Growth Speaker
10:00 am
All of us at times struggle with time management. We have the best intentions, but the constant speed of life gets in our way. We are pulled in so many directions by our partners, children, friends, careers and family. How do we decide what to do first? Or what’s most important? How do we keep from “failing” at our goals? You will learn about barriers to time management such as procrastination and unrealistic goals. We will discuss how to start using easy to understand and specific techniques. You will leave with the knowledge on how to implement them in every aspect of your life!
- Analyze the value of time in relation to goals.
- Apply realistic goal setting and definition of success.
- Understand how procrastination and anxiety creates barriers to time management.
- Implement specific techniques to assist with time management to obtain goals.
Jessica Campos
Social Media Speaker
10:00 am
Stop losing opportunities to grow your business by avoiding six mistakes on Facebook
Megan Lueders
Next Level Speaker
11:00 am
Be that Woman in Leadership
Whether you’re a recent grad, budding millennial or a working mother we can all relate to our desire to succeed in our professional careers, personal lives and oh yes, a Work-Life balance. From acing the interview and navigating the boardroom, to giving (and receiving) feedback to serving in the community, hear from one of Austin’s most respected business leaders on her journey and how you can incorporate shared insights into your future career and life endeavors.
Laura DiTamasso
Optimizing Your Growth Speaker
11:00 am
No More Being Taken Advantage of at Work: Manage up with Confidence, Consistency, and Clarity with an ICF Credentialed Coach on Your Team
Have you ever had a manager make a demand of you? What do you do in the situation when you are already pushed to the limits? What is the impact on you? How does your behavior at work impact your relationships outside of work?
We all manage others in and outside of the workplace. Anyone who takes responsibility in life is in fact a manger. Managing up is a matter of influencing, informing and clearly communicating with anyone in authority over your work.
International Coach Federation (ICF) credentialed coaches are trained to create awareness about your own habits, pattern, and styles of learning that prevent you from actively managing up. An ICF coach can help reveal your limiting beliefs that trigger you to react rather than respond when under pressure. Being coached will enable you to discover how your behaviors can influence a situation and ultimately enable you to successfully manage up, down and sideways.
In this session participants will learn practical examples of tools our clients were able to use to manage up, what coaching is and is not, why coaching is self-development that last a lifetime and impacts all aspects of your career, and how you can manage up to co-create freedom, ease, and lasting contributions that impact all areas of your life. The intention of this session is to inspire participants to see they have everything they need to be successful. It takes only a willingness to explore your part in the equation.
Ruoyun Xu
Social Media Speaker
11:00 am
Define Your Voice: It's not about when you post but WHAT you post
Do you get flustered by having to keep up with posting constantly but then get frustrated when your posts barely make a dent in the mass ocean of social media? Don’t worry, you’re not the only one.
Social media is like throwing spaghetti on the wall and seeing what sticks. And the truth is, if your content and messaging does not resound with your audience, it won't stick.
So how do you get it to stick? In this talk, we’ll break down what makes your brand unique and WHAT you need to post to continue building relationships with your community. We'll help you define your voice and leverage social media to continue share your story and passion.
Susan Lubin
Next Level Speaker
1:00 pm
An Ordinary Woman
Mine is the story of how one ordinary woman with an idea, tells another ordinary woman about the idea, and one by one they engage other ordinary women to create a extraordinary thing. In 2008, I found a tiny lump in my breast. Because I am a physician’s wife, I had the privilege of being able to call my surgeon’s office and get an appointment the following day. I also had a biopsy the day of my appointment and two days later I found out what I had suspected. I had breast cancer. I then called my friend the oncologist and once again, I was seen immediately. My surgery was scheduled and two weeks later I had a double mastectomy and was cancer free. Just two weeks. I felt like the luckiest woman in the world.
I knew, however, that most women don’t have the luxury of being seen by a doctor the next day. Most people don’t have the resources that I do. This was not acceptable to me. After reading about a comprehensive breast cancer center in another part of the country, I decided that Austin needed the same type of facility where women, and men, would find all the services, equipment, and personnel to facilitate their breast needs, whether it was a mammogram, surgery, or counseling. Being an experienced volunteer fundraiser, I decided to tell a friend who was also an experienced volunteer fundraiser. Together we approached Seton Hospital with our idea, and after thoughtful consideration, they asked us to raise $6 million to create the Seton Breast Care Center. And with a committee of other ordinary women, that’s exactly what we did.
Lisa Walker
Optimizing Your Growth Speaker
1:00 pm
Emotional Intelligence: The Key to Mastering How We Present Ourselves, Manage Conflict and Boost Our Business Studies have shown that Emotional Intelligence is the strongest predictor of performance, explaining 58% of success in all types of jobs. Emotional Intelligence is the foundation for all critical skills and is the important factor that sets star performers apart from the rest of the pack. People with a high degree of emotional intelligence make more money, manage relationships more effectively and report being happier and more satisfied with life. Communication between your emotional and your rational “brains” is the physical source of emotional intelligence.
Emotional Intelligence is that “something” in each of us that is a bit intangible. It affects how we manage behavior, navigate social complexities, manage relationships and make personal decisions that achieve positive results. Emotional Intelligence can be developed.
This presentation will provide a basic introduction to Emotional intelligence. Participants will leave with practical ideas to begin improving their Emotional Intelligence, developing a more positive mindset and boost leadership competence, leading to business success.
Presentation Objectives:
- Understand the basics of Emotional Intelligence.
- Understand the relationship between the emotional brain and the rational brain and how this partnership informs one’s mindset
- Understand how your Emotional Intelligence affects how we manage behavior, navigate social complexities, manage conflict and make personal and business decisions.
- Understand how to cultivate Emotional Intelligence.
- Share practical ideas to boost your performance and profitability through improved EI.
Julie Niehoff
Social Media Speaker
1:00 pm
Influence, Reach & Revenue: Unlock the True Marketing Potential of Your LinkedIn Profile
LinkedIn is still the most trusted social media tool in our world, yet many thriving professionals fail to leverage the true potential of this powerful marketing engine. This discussion will go beyond the basics of how to set-up your profile. Instead, we will go deeper into some of the often overlooked tools and opportunities made available by this popular platform.
- Gain insight into the real marketing potential of LinkedIn
- Understand and expand your own sphere of influence
- Learn the varied benefits of profiles vs pages and groups
- Save time & energy with helpful, low cost apps and tools
- See how others create, curate & publish content
- Find ways to scale, spending less time and energy online
- Leverage your own knowledge and experience for good
Christine McCarey
Next Level Speaker
2:00 pm
How can diversity, equity, and inclusion help you move to the next level?
You’ve probably been exposed to these three words, but we’ll break down what they mean, why they are important to your professional and personal development, and how to build a diverse community. It’s important to have a growth mindset, and here’s a chance to discuss DEI in a safe, transparent way.
Jen Shultz
Optimizing Your Growth Speaker
2:00 pm
How to Build (and STAY in!) your Business as a Non-Nine- to-Fiver
Choosing to pursue your passion and your innate talents is exciting! However, truly building your passion and creating a business can feel daunting and downright terrifying. Questions like: How do I find people who will want to invest in my product or service? And if I do find people what if they don’t even want it? How do I stay organized? Wait, I am not an organized person, now what? Can I actually do this? –can zoom through our heads AND these thoughts are enough to STOP us in our tracks kicking up low level habits such as perfectionism, procrastination, and second guessing ourselves.
During her presentation, Jen Shultz will go directly into the low level habits that plague new business owners (and those who want to be in business) and share exactly how to STOP the swirling and twirling that the mind loves doing by teaching two of her 4 C’s Method she created out of her own personal struggles leaving the 9-5 and becoming a successful entrepreneur.
- Participants will understand the power of COMMITMENT and CONSISTENCY
- Participants will understand what they are (or aren’t) doing that is directly slowing down their business growth.
- Participants will hear specific stories about those I have worked with directly using the 4 C’s Method and how they too can stop the swirling and twirling the mind does.
Jeremy Vest
Social Media Speaker
2:00 pm
7 ways to use Video to Grow Your BusinessIn this session, Jeremy Vest will show you 7 ways to use video to grow your business. We will learn how to develop an audience, rank by answering questions, video ads and a lot more.
Crystal Smith
L.I.F.E. Speaker
2:00 pm
Your Small Business and How Taxes Affect Every Decision
For small business owners who constantly find themselves faced with complicated tax decisions, from entity start-up to wind-up, we will go over high-level tax topics to help you navigate this tricky part of your business. Starting with entity classification decisions at formation and going through the current environment under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Acts, I will hopefully answer some of your burning questions!